Audiobook is out now

“Chicago, A View Over Time” takes on subjects explored in Linda’s book: race, marriage, mental illness, and Chicago history. You can read “sneak previews” of book excerpts, and even get a peek at some scenes that had to be cut, but are still fun, poignant, or intriguing.


“Family Archaeologist” explores a century of family letters, diaries, and artifacts, and how they illuminate history and our shared humanity. To get an overview of the blog, click: “Welcome to Family Archaeologist

Family Archaeologist

“Letters of a World War II Airman” shares original letters to and from my uncle, Frank Ebner Gartz, from 1943-1945, tracing the course of WWII, life on the home front, and the evolution of a neighborhood kid into seasoned airman.

Letters of a WWII Airman


Juneteenth: A holiday a long time in coming

I had never heard of Juneteenth. It never came up in any aspect of my education, not in grade school, high school, nor college; not in general history, Social Studies, nor American History. I guess the wisdom of textbooks and curricula for all our country's youth was to ignore that enslaved African Americans living in Texas had never learned that they'd been freed by the Emancipation Proclamation, declared two and a half years prior to their hearing about it.

June 19th, 2020|Chicago: A View Over Time, Uncategorized|

West Madison St. Looting & Destruction—1968 revisited

The looting last week of stores on West Madison was déjà vu for me. I remember the looting and arson after Dr. King’s murder in 1968. In the past 52 years, the city has ignored and disinvested in East and West Garfield. The federal policy of redlining destroyed African American prospects for wealth. I remember and compare 1968 to now and the absolute need to invest in the neediest communities of our city.

June 11th, 2020|Chicago: A View Over Time|

Joy in the time of Coronavirus—Jackie Wilson, Fred Astaire & Rita Hayworth

Hi wonderful followers.  I'm a true believer that art in the time of disaster is the most soothing comfort of all. We see it popping up everywhere, Yo-Yo Ma playing Dvorak, Italian tenor, Maurizio Marchini serenading from his balcony in Florence, and more. Here's a link to what I  think will get you snapping your fingers, jumping up to dance [...]

March 19th, 2020|Chicago: A View Over Time, Uncategorized, World War II|

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