Frank will introduce the California gal, Margaret (Margie), who wrote the below letter, to his parents in a 3/13/1944 letter (coming up). He’ll say he likes her “very very very much.” Frank still cares about his at-home girlfriend, Cookie, but we have to remember, he had lived a very insular life on Chicago’s West Side and was only 18 when he left for basic training. He’s being introduced to the world, as millions of boys were during WWII, and a good-looking, charming, sweet guy is discovering many  girls out there thinks he’s just swell! This Margie is one to them.


Wednesday eve, 3-8-44

Dear Frank,

Thanks for the prompt answer and I’m glad you’ll be able to make it the 18th, probably. I called my girlfriend and told her so we’ll go to Laguna some other weekend.

By the way her boyfriend, Bill, a sergeant in the Marine Corps, is coming in too Saturday and will it be all right with you if the four of us go dancing together? Just call me when you get in and we can arrange where to meet.

I was thinking perhaps if we went to the Aragon in Ocean Park it might not be as crowded as the Palladium unless you want to go to the Palladium – it doesn’t matter to me. If so, let me know Saturday. You don’t have to answer this letter except in person Saturday.

Auf wiedersehen, Margie

P.S.  Hello, again. My fingers are dusty as we’ve just been looking at some old photographs and are we funny looking. We all look scared to death. I’m taking one down to work to show one of the girls. I once was fat and also a pretty child – it’s too bad I grew up. I’m sorry I can’t come to see you this week – perhaps I can next week.

Until Saturday then,

P.S. Jr.  It’ll be swell if you get in early. Oh fooey I have to go get some chocolates for this candy crazy family. A place a few (seven) blocks away has very good stuff so I’ll mail this as I wander down there.

As ever, Margie

Original Letter