It reads “Heartfelt Good Wishes for your Name Day
Dated November 18, 1910, Josef Gärtz sent this postcard to his sweetheart, Lisi Ebner to arrive on her Names Day, Nov. 19th, 1910
One year ago today I posted the oldest missive in my collection, this sweet postcard sent from my grandfather, Josef Gärtz
to his sweetheart, Lisi Ebner. (See: Can Love Last 100 Years?) If you’ve followed along, you’ve learned a lot about their long distance courtship as the letters they wrote from fall of 1910-summer of 1911 persuaded them they must be together, and my grandmother made that fateful trip across the ocean.
Although I officially entered the blogosphere with my first post, introducing Family Archaeologist on November 17th, (click Welcome to Family Archaeologist to see the intro) I like to think of today as the beginning of the story. My goal has been to share my family’s letters, diaries, and original documents, dating back over the past century. My hope was that the stories of this one immigrant family, told in their own words, would find resonance with other readers.
By entering the genealogy and family history blogging community, I have been amply rewarded with the wonderful blogs I’ve been introduced to and their creative, prolific, and caring writers. I have met bloggers who have inspired me to write my family history, who have impressed me with their intelligent and thoughtful posts, who have introduced me to technologies and techniques to make blogging and family history research simpler, who have opened my eyes to self-publishing outlets, who have shared so generously their knowledge of genealogy research, and many whose own family histories, documents, and photographs have been beautifully displayed and written about. I’ve been enriched by all of you.
I don’t always get around to visiting as many blogs as I’d like, but I do try to drop by every couple weeks just to see what others are doing and to let them know I appreciate their work. Thanks to all for your wonderful writing and touching stories.
Because I promised myself to post at least once a week, the blog has been my inspiration to look more closely at and really think about the meaning of all these letters and documents my family so carefully preserved over the past century. As E.M. Forster said, “How do I know what I think until I see what I say?” This blog required me to put into words the inchoate thoughts rumbling around in my brain about my family’s past. It has enriched my understanding both of my roots and actually introduced me to family members as they were in their youth. Old, careful souls were transformed into the young, rash, passionate people that existed decades before I was born.
Thank you to my family for being such pack rats, for not only saving these treasures, but labeling and carefully preserving just about everything so that my brothers and I can know you as you were—and can share your story with others.
Beautiful, Linda! Your painstaking efforts to preserve these pieces of your family’s past have been enriching to all of your readers. I look forward to another great year here at the Family Archaeologist as the inspiring saga of your family continues.
Happy Blogiversary! I have enjoyed reading about your ancestors. Your blog motivates me to keep plugging away At the many boxes I inherited from my pack rat family.
Happy blogiversary, Linda. I love the details you’ve been able to share with us!
So great to see you all here to help me celebrate.
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for all that you add. Thanks for the inspiring posts. Here’s to many more!
Happy Blogiversary! I’ve enjoyed your posts and look forward to the next year!
I can’t believe I’ve been fortunate enough to be here from the beginning. You know I so enjoy your writing, your stories, and your wonderful ancestors. Happy blogiversary!
Congrats on your blogoversary
gluckliche erste blog verjahrung.
Vielen dank fur all schreiben und photo,s..Das hast mir sehr glucklich gemacht.
Du est Wunderbar!!!!!!!
Ine Jansen
Happy blogoversary, Linda! I’m happy to be a part of your fan club. I delight in reading your blog posts and look forward to reading what you share next.
Linda, congratulations on your first blogiversary, and thank you for all your wonderful posts. Your family’s penchant for hoarding memorabilia validates my firm convictions about saving such treasures–and is the very antidote to soothe my bristling reaction every time I hear that dread, mindless mantra: “declutter, declutter.” Thank you also for your kind comments on my blog, and for the suggestions, which I am now following up on. As for the importance of sharing these letters, these slivers of micro-history, I wish all such kindred spirits could find a way to hold a virtual writers’ group for mutual encouragement! I… Read more »
I’ve been meaning to post a comment for a year now, but am just not of that generation, temperament or time. But on this anniversary as a member of the family I have to say this has been a delight to read and watch unfold. This is your calling (at this time) to recreate a family we never knew. Keep up the good work.
Ihr bruder Bill