I love these vintage, gloriously colored post cards from decades past. I’m posting two here, showing places where Frank hung out during his basic training as an air force cadet in Miami Beach, Florida. Only one is dated, written on 8/25/1943, to his mother. The other is addressed to his dad, but you can be sure both were shared avidly among the family.
Postmark: 8/25/1943, Miami, FLA (hotel shown above. The Army Air Corps took over about 300 hotels in Miami Beach for soldiers’ “barracks” during World War II), per the remembrance of this cadet stationed there.)
Dear Mom:
My window is in the circle [three from left; three from top]. How’s everyone at home? I haven’t received a letter for days from you or Will. Please write soon.
Love, Frank
Dear Dad:
This is where I eat, straight across from my hotel. The army sure took over some swell joints.
Your son, Frank
Original Postcard