In an earlier letter, after his family was so concerned they hadn’t heard from Frank, he assured them he was writing at least every 4 days and suggested they start numbering the letters so that he’d be sure he received them all. His older brother Will, starts doing that here. Will also tries to smooth Frank’s ruffled feathers at the apparently sarcastic letter Will had sent regarding not hearing from the young soldier.
Will, ever the older brother, chastises Frank/Ebner for his spelling (which I had corrected in the transcription to eliminate confusion).
Friday Feb. 19, 1943
Dear Frank:
We have just received your letter of Feb 16 and as you will note we’ll start numbering from now on, this being no. 1. Later letters will be designated by L-2, L-3, etc.
Now, as to the tone of my first or second letter, don’t take it so hard. We had no word from you and were getting worried, particularly since we hear you had written someone else. So I hope you’ll excuse its curtness since we were only wondering whether you had forgotten us. Since then we have been receiving your letters on schedule.
Don’t crowd yourself in the writing. So long that we hear from you at least once a week and know that you are alright. By the way, not to be critical though, watch your spelling for you will be tested for that in O.T. School examinations. For instance , “geting” for “getting” and “appreatiated” for “appreciated.” Another rule is “I before e escept after c as in “believe” and “receive.”
Talking about examinations, we have just taken our officers qualification examination with C.A.P. [Civil Air Patrol] Boy, what an exam—about 20 T and F questions and 40 questions in essay form—all in 2 hours.
Mother and I are sending you five dollars apiece via the enclosed money order fro ten dolars and hope you can use it to help replace your pen and anything else you mmight need. If you can’t get a pen, let us know and we’ll get one for you.
Have you had time to write Pastor Kaitschuk [pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church, where they attended].
Oh, by the way, we are receiving your letters 2 days after you send them. How much time elapses in your receiving our mail and packages?
So long,
My Dear Ebner,
Here are but a few lines that are racing through my mind which is crowded with so many things that it would fill a book. How are the chances of getting a snapshot of you? Have you lost any weight? We did not receive your watch as yet, but we have arranged with Sam to have it repaired fro you. Your letters have made me very happy and I wish to think you for them.
God bless you wherever you may be and I pray that you may be alright every day.
Lots of love and kisses from us