Ebner and Cookie at Austin H.S. Prom, 1942
Frank Ebner’s mom has received the birthday gift he sent her and tries to express her gratitude as best she can in English. Ebner’s girlfriend, Cookie comes to visit with my grandmother. Does this high school girl really like my grandmother enough to hang out with a 54-year-old woman—or is does she think it’s a good idea to cozy up to her boyfriend’s (hopefully fiance’s) mother? In later letters, my grandmother will make comparisons of Cookie and my mother. Stay tuned.
My Dear Ebner,
Your letter from 21 July, postcard [on the 26th] and today the 29th package…I receive thankfully. Words are not enough to say thank you deeply from my heart. I had your hymnbook with me last Sunday in church so in my mind you was with us. From now on, Sunday, you b with us allways.
Pop is allways so busy as you know him. The 20th of July from 10 A.M. To 7 P.M. he painted the 2 flat garage till I went for him. The 6 flat back porches was just finished by Mr. Muffat, the painter, on July 19. It cost us $165. That is our vacation.
We got father new glasses. They cost a whole lot more than the last ones. Pop’s $18.00 and Mother’s $18.00. The 28th July, Cooky [Cookie] visited me from 2 P.M. Till 5 P.M. We had a goot time. She is on her vacation this week…
I saw that day [the day Cookie visited] the pin [Ebner bought his mom for her birthday]. I know you spent too much for me so I sent you $10 by postal telegram. You got the money in case you be shipped in short notice away. So please hold on [to it]. It will help you if you be far away in some need. You may not get your pay before the first. That’s why I rushed [the money].
Cooky [Cookie] is always so lovely and goot—a swell kid or girl. I do like her.
Your birthday card [for me] was so very nice with wishes we could be together. I wish it too.
Lil and [Fred] told us [what a] goot friend you have. God bless you all over wherever you go that you find more [friends]. I will pray hard for you that God stay always with you, help you in school, or in training and to stay healthy. How is it [going] with your school? I hope that you can stay here if it is for your best. Have you got news from Frank [Von Arx]. Will he stay in the States or will he be shipped over [seas]?
It is 12 P.M. [a.m.?] and Will is not home from classes yet so you see he has no time for himself. The day is too short.
What about you getting a furlough? Do you hope to get one more? Can you call on the telephone before you leave? I will pay for the call. Send home what you don’t need as long as you are close to home. God be with you allways and all the time.
With love and kisses,
your Mother and Dad. Goot Night my Ebner. God bless you.
Original Letter