At Truax Field, Frank joined the “Service Club.” It seemed they were in “service” of having fun, like this singing group.

In Frank’s last letter, he wrote about the fun he had playing with a little kid. Here’s another example of this 18-year-old’s sweet, loving side. His mom’s birthday is coming up (on July 31st, when she’ll turn 56.) He tells her about the lovely present he has in mind and wishes he could “take her away” for an evening. The sentiments in this letter would choke up any mom!



Madison, Wisconsin

July 6, 1943

Dear Mom,

 The time of the year is coming when you are about to celebrate another birthday and I know you won’t approve of my asking but what would you like for a present? They have some beautiful pearl necklaces at the main P.X. That would look beautiful on a dark dress and if you could use them I’d love to get them for you. I wish you would let me know early so if you don’t need them I could think of something else.

 I wish I could be there. We would sure have a swell time. I’d take you away from Dad for one night and the two of us would go out and have a swell time but I’m afraid we will have to postpone that till the duration of 6 months.

I’ve been feeling pretty good these past few days and I hope it keeps up. I hope you too are in good health as I am.

 How’s Dad’s knee these days? Make him take it easy and don’t you work yourself to death on those damn buildings. 

The whistle is blowing so I’ll have to stop writing and hit the sack. Till I can write again I wish you and all the other folks the best of health. 


Your son,


Original Letter