Happy Valentine’s Day—Across the Decades
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL ACROSS THE DECADES! Here's an adorable valentine, February 14, 1942, from Lillian Koroschetz to Fred Gartz - before they were married. Love is timeless.
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL ACROSS THE DECADES! Here's an adorable valentine, February 14, 1942, from Lillian Koroschetz to Fred Gartz - before they were married. Love is timeless.
Pearl Harbor was bombed seventy-six years ago today. My mom, Lillian Koroschetz, started a brand new diary on New Year's Eve, 1941 reflecting back on the previous year and the effects the barely three-week-old war was already having on the every-day lives of Americans.
An adorable Valentine for a gal to send! (Scroll down to see entire card) Lil was already madly in love with Fred, but he found it hard to express his emotions. (Sound familiar?) So what's a girl to do? Can't [...]
Lillian Gartz executive secretary to Mr. Gibney,president of The Bayer [aspirin] Company Working seven days a week up to twelve hours a day was common for my Dad during the war years. My Mom, Lillian, had long hours too, [...]
Fred and Lillian Gartz, Nov. 8, 1942, outside church Seventy years ago today, my Mom and Dad vowed to stick together in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. Those vows were tested across the decades, [...]